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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submitted article is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.
  • In the case of an article resulting from research with human beings, the research was submitted and duly approved by the research ethics committee. (Check if the research is not with human beings)
  • The submitted article is a research product, presenting critical positioning and innovative knowledge.
  • The article is written by at least one PhD or Master author.
  • The identification of authorship of this submitted article was removed from the file and from the Document Properties option, thus guaranteeing the confidentiality criterion, according to the instructions available in Assuring Blind Peer Review.
  • The submitted article follows the rules of ABNT NBR 6023, mainly with regard to citations, bibliographic references, identification of tables and figures throughout the text.

Author Guidelines


Revista de Letras Juçara accepts original unpublished articles  in the areas of Linguistics and Literature that promote, in the perspective of enriching the frontiers of the Human Sciences, reflections within their area of ​​scope, and in the interdisciplinary possibilities established from the intersection with others fields of knowledge.

Masters, PhDs and strictu sensu graduate students can submit texts. Undergraduate students can submit texts in co-authorship as long as at least one of the authors has a master's or doctoral degree.

All originals sent to Revista de Letras Juçara, in accordance with the “Standards for submission of originals”, will be submitted to the Editorial Board, which may:

accept without modification;

suggest changes in structure or content;

refuse, with justification.

The originals will be evaluated by two ad hoc reviewers. After approval, the authors will be communicated.

If there is a discrepancy in the evaluation, a third opinion will be requested. After the analysis, the journal will resend the files to the authors, together with the suggestions and instructions of the referees for modification, if necessary.

Works that do not fit the “Standards for the presentation of originals” will be returned to the authors.

In order to avoid endogenesis and guarantee the diversity of published authors, we require that, after publication in the journal, authors wait at least 1 year before publishing any other article in the journal.

The concepts emitted in the works are the exclusive responsibility of the authors.

As part of the submission process, authors must verify the submission's compliance with all items listed. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be informed to the authors as well as the works that are not approved by the referees for publication.

Textual and editing standards

Texts in Portuguese, English or Spanish must be written in accordance with the rules for submitting articles of the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms – ABNT – NBR 6023 of June 2018. They may be formatted in .doc or .docx. The texts must be typed with the following configuration:

Top and left margins: 3 cm;

Bottom and right margins: 2 cm;

Paper format: A4;

Indentation of the first line of paragraphs: 1.25 cm;

Font for body text: Arial, size 12, line spacing: 1.5 cm;

Font for direct quotes: Arial, size 10, single-spaced.

Alignment: justified;

Articles must be between 10 and 20 pages long;

The presentation of the articles must obey the following order:


1 - Title in upper case, Portuguese language, centered in bold, Arial font, size 12;

2 - Title of the article in English (and in Portuguese, for articles in other languages), centered, uppercase, without bold, Arial font, size 12;

3 - Abstract of the text in Portuguese (between 100 and 250 words) and keywords (maximum five), separated by semicolons, Arial font, size 10, in the language of the text;

4 - Abstract in English (Abstract) and keywords (Keywords), separated by period, font Arial, size 10 (and in Portuguese, for articles in other languages);

Attention: it is expressly important that texts in another language are proofread by qualified professionals.

Important: The contributions sent for analysis must NOT contain data related to the authorship of the text. Such data will be registered in the submission form itself.


- Consisting of parts, subtitles must start with capital letters, without indentation, in bold; Ex: Poetry and prose: differences and similarities

- A double space between quotations longer than 3 lines and the text;

- The illustrations must have the necessary quality for a good graphic reproduction. The image file format must be jpg. The images must be identified, with a title and caption indicating the font just below the image (Arial font, size 10) and designated, in the text, in abbreviated form, as a figure (Fig. 1, Fig. 2 etc.);

- Bibliographic citations will be indicated in the body of the text, between parentheses, with the following information: a) author's last name in capital letters; comma; publication date; comma; abbreviation of the page (p.) and its number  (Ex: SILVA, 1992, p. 3-23), for quotation;

b) author's last name in capital letters and the year of publication in parentheses, for indirect citation.

- If the direct quote has more than 3 lines, it must be separated from the paragraph, with a left indentation of 4 cm, Arial 10 font and single line spacing.

- Footnotes should be at the end of each page in Arial font, size 10.

- For emphasis or highlighting, use bold, reserving italics for titles of works, words or expressions in other languages ​​cited in the text.


References - should be presented at the end of the text, in alphabetical order, following the ABNT standards (NBR-6023), according to some examples below:

a)    Book with one author: AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Author's name. Book title in italics. City of publisher: publisher, year.

b)    Book with two authors: AUTHOR'S SURNAME, AUTHOR'S NAME & SURNAME, Name. Title of book in italics. City of publisher: publisher, year.

c)     Book with 03 authors or more: AUTHOR'S SURNAME, Nome et al. Title of book in italics. City of publisher: publisher, year.

d)    Book Chapter: AUTHOR'S SURNAME, Name. Chapter title. In: AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name. Book Title: Subtitle if any. Edition number. City: publisher, year of publication. Page number or range used. - if the author is the same as the book and chapter: AUTHOR'S SURNAME, Name. Chapter title. In: ______. Title: subtitle if any. Edition number. City: Name of publisher, year of publication. Page number or range used.

e)    Journal articles: AUTHOR'S SURNAME, Name. Title of the article (not highlighted), Title of the journal (in italics), volume and number of the journal, page numbers, date of publication.

f)     Conference Proceedings: AUTHOR'S SURNAME, Name. Article title: subtitle if any. In: NAME OF THE EVENT, edition number of the event, year of the event, city where the event was held. Publication type (Annals or Abstracts or Proceedings, in italics), City of publication: Publishing institution, year of publication. P. (home page – end of article).

g)    Internet: AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name. Title: subtitle if any. Available at: <Full URL>. Accessed in: day, month (abbreviated to the third letter, except May) year.

h)    Thesis: AUTHOR'S SURNAME, Name. Title: subtitle if any. Defense year. Total number of sheets. Thesis (PhD in ‘developed area’) – Name of Faculty, Name of University, city of Institution, year.


- The presentation of reviews must follow the same elements regarding formal aspects and textual elements, and a summary is not necessary;

- The maximum length allowed is 3,000 (three thousand) words, including references and attachments.

- The review must not have a title or authorship in the file, leaving only the complete reference of the reviewed work. We emphasize the maximum period of 5 years for book review.


- The authors of the approved works agree to assign the non-exclusive rights of publication to the journal, remaining free to make their texts available in other media as long as the publication of the first version in the journal is mentioned. They also authorize the journal to provide its content for reproduction in content indexers, virtual libraries and the like.

- The authors assume that the texts submitted for publication are of their original creation, taking full responsibility for their content in case of any objection by third parties. The authors also declare that there is no conflict of interest in relation to the published work.

- Since V02 N01, it is necessary to wait a minimum interval of ONE YEAR to be able to publish again in Revista de Letras Juçara, that is, the same author cannot publish in consecutive numbers. Each work can be written by up to 3 authors.


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