
Dossier “Literature, history and memory: dialogues and reflections”

Organization: Prof. Dr. César Alessandro Sagrillo Figueiredo (UFNT/PPGL)
Prof. Doutoranda Mônica Assunção Mourão (UEMASUL)

Deadline for submission: 18/02  to 18/05.
Publication: July/2022

The main objective of this dossier proposal is to bring together articles that dialogue with different perspectives of studies that involve the interface between literature, history and memory. We justify the relevance of this theoretical articulation, especially in the present time, as we perceive humanity going through one of the many historical turns, caused by pandemics, aggravated by the chaos in public health, plus an economic and political crisis, that is, understanding that we are experiencing again one of the folds of history and the many curves that human kind  had to adapt to survive.

In this sense, literature is not indifferent to its time and signals, above all, the way writers try to respond to the experiences of the event(s) of their history. Thus, the dossier aims at discussions around the literature productions included under the name of testimonial literature, memoirs, journalistic, biographical and archives (both public and private), privileging the importance of narratives that approach a consistent dialogue of history and of memory, precisely, as a background on which the corpus of the analyzed works focuses. Undertaking this interdisciplinary connection, therefore, we will receive articles that converge to this theme and that have, as a discussion light for literary narratives, from events, facts, historical periods, as mentioned, as well as analyzing the history of the present time from a literary perspective.

With this view exposed and tributary to the initial proposition aimed at the confluence of these contributions, we also intend to encompass discussions about the epistemological limits and theories intertwined between literature, history and memory. Likewise, we seek to analyze how fiction literature has focused on socio-historical events and, also, articles that highlight studies of the connections between biographies and literature will be very welcome. In this way, the proposed propositions for this magazine aim to contemplate both the reflexes of the convergences of literature, which can encompass different locus and spaces, whether the dialogue with European production, or a careful and in-depth look at decolonial Latin American production. Finally, seeking to broaden the borders, it becomes salutary to record the importance of the literary context through the Brazilian historical clipping, seeking, in this way, to build a dialogue on the subject and focusing, mainly, on the regionalities in its analysis.

Key words: Literature; History; Memory; Epistemology; Teaching.