CHAMADA PARA SUBMISSÃO EM DOSSIÊ TEMÁTICO: Linguagem e Enunciação: a semântica operatória de Antoine Culioli


This dossier seeks to gather articles/essays that present as theoretical and methodological support the Theory of Predicative and Enunciative Operations (TOPE), by Antoine Culioli (1990,1999a, 1999b, 2018) and its sequencers such as Rezende (2000), Romero (2000), Pria (2009) and Franckel (2011). For this theory, language is understood as an activity of representation of the construction of meaning, accessible through textual sequences that are traces of operations. It has an indeterminate nature that allows a plasticity in the construction of representation work done by the enunciators. We want to encourage reflections about the comprehension of the language activity of the enunciator subject in the construction of values references of linguistic units according to theoretical and methodological procedures provided by TOPE; as well as promoting the dissemination of observation modes (formal processes) as the operations of language (formalizable) are supporting stabilized representations (enunciated) of which the linguistic unit analyzed is constitutive and how it is possible to move from one stability to another. In short, the articles/essays gathered through this dossier will help to explain a dynamic treatment of language to the linguistic community.