



Abstract: This text reflects on the literary encounter between Françoise Ega (1920 - 1976) and Carolina Maria de Jesus (1914/1919/1921-1977). Both black writers who found in literature a space to imagine, heal, transmute and weave possible paths in their diasporic processes. Whether the Martinican Ega writing in Marseille, or the minera Carolina located in São Paulo, in their respective spaces far from where they lived until adolescence, they formulated and nourished their root texts not only as a return to their origins, but also as a promotion and recomposition of new roots. Ega, expands and penetrates her words-lines to Brazil, recognizing in Carolina a mirror from which memories spring up in her missives, never read by the Brazilian author, but, nevertheless, she found in the current reception the realization that the “miseries of the poor persist” from all over the world (who) look like sisters”.

Keywords: Carolina Maria de Jesus; Francoise Ega; black literature; diaspora; letter;


Author Biography

Raffaella Andrea Fernandez, UNILA

Raffaella Andrea Fernandez (UNILA) é pós-doutora em Estudos Culturais pela UFRJ (2021), autora de A poética de resíduos de Carolina de Jesus, resultado de sua pesquisa de doutorado em Teoria e História da Literatura pela Universidade de Campinas (Unicamp). Organizou os quatro últimos livros de Carolina intitulados onde estaes felicidade? (2014), Meu sonho é escrever (2018), Clíris (2019) e Casa de alvenaria (2021). Atualmente compõe o conselho editorial da Companhia  das Letras que está organizando a obra completa de Carolina Maria de Jesus e coordena o Grupo de pesquisa Decoloniais Carolina (CNPq).



How to Cite

FERNANDEZ, R. . A. ENTRENCH LITERATURE OF ROOTED BLACK WOMAN. JUÇARA LANGUAGE JOURNAL, [S. l.], v. 6, n. 3, p. 101–112, 2022. DOI: 10.18817/rlj.v6i3.2998. Disponível em: https://ppg.revistas.uema.br/index.php/jucara/article/view/2998. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.